Recognition Request

The Mayor and City Council are always pleased to learn about the accomplishments, contributions, and milestones of Fremont residents and community organizations/businesses. From time to time, the Mayor will recognize extraordinary Fremont residents and community members through letters, certificates, proclamations, and adjournments. Instructions for requesting these forms of recognition are below.

All requests should be made by community members in the City of Fremont, organizations or businesses physically located in Fremont, or organizations whose primary mission is to provide some service to Fremont residents. The Office of the Mayor reserves the right to decline or modify requests and make exceptions to any of the following guidelines.

The City receives many requests for ceremonial items from various entities and residents. These types of requests are awarded at the discretion of the Mayor. The City Clerk’s Office will inform you of your request status once it has been reviewed. Please note that in some instances, no action is taken regarding requests for recognition and in such cases, requests shall be considered to have been denied. 

Please submit your request no later than three weeks before your requested/required date to provide staff with adequate time to approve and prepare the ceremonial document. The following is a brief explanation of the various types of requests and criteria.

After reviewing the criteria below, complete the Recognition Request Form.